Department of Philosophy / Alumni Commission

Chair: Assoc. Prof. Ekin KAYNAK ILTAR [Internal Stakeholder. Department lecturer. Presides this board; ensures that the contact information of department graduates is collected in one address; coordinates all communications with department graduates by informing the Department Head.]
Member1: Lect. Serpil SATI  [Internal Stakeholder. Department lecturer. Fulfills the duties assigned to it by the chair of this board.]
Member2: Res. Asst. PhD Orkan ERNALBANT [Internal Stakeholder. Department lecturer. Fulfills the duties assigned to it by the chair of this board.]
Aliunde: Yonca KOREL [External Stakeholder. Bilfen Antalya Science High School. Deputy Principal. Philosophy Group Instructor. As a graduate of the department contributes to the work of the board on the employment opportunities of the graduates of the Philosophy Department of Akdeniz University, sectoral difficulties and ways to overcome them.]
Eklenme tarihi :24.05.2023 12:45:31
Son güncelleme : 24.12.2024 10:25:58